Please register here if you are new SEIJIN!
All are welcome to view the celebration on YouTube LIVE!
January 16 1:20 pm(PST)/4:20 pm(EST)
★Premier LIVE Special!★
A special performance will be presented only for those who tune in to the Premier LIVE at 1:20 pm (PST)/4:20 pm (EST) on January 16. Don’t miss your chance to witness the performance of this secret internationally recognized musician who will be performing and sharing a special message for the new SEIJIN. We cannot reveal who it is! Tune in to the premier LIVE to find out!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“United by Challenges”
The 3rd annual US-Japan Friendship Coming of Age Celebration
January 16, 2022
The Celebration will be fully virtual. In-person participation at Bellevue College Carlson Theater is canceled.

Please check here for New SEIJIN Registration Information How to attend the SEIJIN-shiki USA.
Sneak peek of the SEIJIN-shiki USA 2022!
ZENZA(前座)starts at 1pm(PST)/4pm(EST)
ーOpening Act on ZOOM, social time only for registered new SEIJINsー
Chance to mignle with fellow SEIJINs & enter a raffle to win Japanese art themed prizes!

ZENZA, our SEIJIN-shiki opening act, is a social time only for new SEIJINs and will start at 1 pm. You need special ZOOM access so make sure to register now and secure your spot!

We will broadcast from Bellevue College Carlson Theater and connect the new SEIJIN 2022
participating from all over the USA via ZOOM.
Make sure to check in at this time to participate in raffles and meet your fellow new SEIJINs!
Celebration Programs
Starts at 1:20pm(PST)/4:20pm(EST)
General audience is welcome on YouTubeLive.

Special Speaker

Consul General Hisao Inagaki, Consulate- General of Japan in Seattle
Kimono Talk
New SEIJIN MIlay and Steven will wear traditional kimono and explain what the kimono is all about.

SENPAI (先輩)Messages
SENPAI is someone you look up to. We have great messages from amazing SENPAI for the new SEIJIN 2022!

Speeches from New SEIJINs
Milay Haskin and Steven Albergine
Special Kedama x Taiko Collaboration
Nick and Zack Gallagher, who showed off their super kendama skills in 2021 SEIJIN-shiki USA will collaborate Taiko player Sohshun Tateishi and create showtime never seen before!

Registered new SEIJIN will continue to NIJIKAI, afterparty, for social time with games, prizes, and conversations.
We are planning to play kahoot!
The winners of the raffle will be announced here too.
Great prizes await you!
式典の後は、新成人だけのZOOMタイム再び!抽選発表・Kahoot! などなど。すばらしい景品をご用意しています!