SEIJIN-shiki USA, a Japanese style Coming of Age Celebration, is made possible through the support of the community members like you. Fundraising and in-kind donations from you will make an everlasting memory that new SEIJIN can cherish throughout their adult lives. Our $8000 fundraising goal to cover the cost to run the 6th SEIJIN-shiki USA is underway.
Please support us in celebrating their journey into adulthood together!
*JIA Foundation is a 501(C) nonprofit organization operated in WA. Your donation is tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. If you make donation via donation site (, you will receive the receipt from Please use this for your tax records.
Please visit Donation Level & Disclaimer page here before you make donation.
The deadline to have your name recognized in the printed pamphlet is December 15, 2024.
Online donor list is here: Supporters 2025
1)General Donation

We welcome any amount of your generous donations! Click the image to go to our donation site (
2)Media Support
Please spread the word about our 6th SEIJIN-shiki USA!
We will list the media outlet names, who publish lists of our supporters for those who publish articles and share on social media about our celebration. Please let us know by Nov.30 2024.
Any questions? Please contact SEIJIN-shiki USA,

JIA Foundationが運営する成人式USA及びすべてのイベントは、ボランティアとみなさまからのご寄付で賄われています。皆様のサポートをよろしくお願いいたします。画像をクリックしていただくと、寄付のサイト(に飛びます。
*JIA Foundationは、米国 IRS 認定の501(C)3非営利団体です。在米の方には、米国法律にのっとり、いただいたご寄付は、税金控除の対象になります。寄付サイト(から寄付していただいた場合は、そちらからレシートが発行されますので、それを税金控除の記録としてお使いください。
JIA Foundation
P.O.Box 562
Medina, WA 98039