Attending the 5th SEIJIN-shiki USA on January 13, 2024

Are you ready for the big day? Here is what you should expect & what we expect from you!
Most importantly, you need to be registered to attend the SEIJIN-shiki USA. The registration will be automatically closed once capacity is reached.
New SEIJIN Registration
Guest Registration

第5回成人USA 当日の注意事項です。最新情報をこのページでご確認ください。

5th annual SEIJIN-shiki USA Celebration Official Page is here.


Please be seated by 2:30 PM!

2:00 PM – Doors open

2:30 PM – Opening Act: Kaede01

3:00 – 5:00 PM – Celebration 

Venue Address:

Bellevue College Carlson Theatre (Building E

3000 Landerholm Cir SE, Bellevue, WA 98007

Bellevue College Main Campus map: *BC-Main-Campus-Map-08022023.pdf (


The JIA Foundation is renting lots 14 and 15 for the day so parking there is free! 
(see the map below)

Overflow event parking is in lot 12, but costs $3/day at the pay station or via the online parking portal at AMP (

Main Campus Map

Bus Information

In the event of a Bellevue College Campus closure, participants will be promptly notified via email.

Looking forward to seeing you on January 13, 2024!

Attending The 4th Annual SEIJIN-shiki USA on January 15, 2023

Are you ready for the big day? Here is what you should expect & what we expect from you!
Most importantly, you need to be registered to attend the SEIJIN-shiki USA. The registration will be automatically closed once capacity is reached.
New SEIJIN Registration
4th annual SEIJIN-shiki USA Program Information


Getting to Sammamish High School Performing Arts Center

520 is close this weekend. Please plan your travel time accordingly.


The address is 100 140th Avenue S.E. Bellevue, WA 98005

Google Maps may take you to wrong building. Please refer to the map below.

Bus 245 stops right in front of the Performing Arts Center. Bus 271 stops within 8min. walk to the Performing Arts Center.There are plenty of free parking spaces at Sammamish High School if you come by car.

Dress Code

You may be wondering what the proper “dress code” is. The dress code is “dress your best as an adult”. You can wear traditional clothing like a Furisode or a Haori & Hakama, a suit, an elegant dress or your best jeans with your brightest sneakers!


There will be a check-in table at the entrance to the Sammamish HS Performing Arts Center. Bringing your digital ticket will make the check-in process smoothly. If you forget, that’s OK. We will check your ID instead.

Doors Open at 12:00 pm

The celebration starts at 1:00 pm, but come early to enjoy pre-celebration activities! We will have a photo booth with “Kin Byoubu,” a traditional Japanese gold backdrop used at celebrations. We will also be showcasing SEIJIN 2023 photos and JET programs video in the theater! Please be seated by 12:50pm.

New SEIJINs and friends at inaugural SEIJIN-shiki USA in 2020

Please make sure you are healthy!

Wearing mask is optional for SEIJIN-shiki USA staff, volunteers and participants.

The guidance for a safe and fun 4th annual SEIJIN-shiki USA follows CDC and Department of Health Washington guidelines to prevent infections.

All participants who enter the facility are responsible for abiding by these guidelines.

  1. On the day of the event, if you have the following symptoms or feel unwell, please stay home to protect yourself and others.

Possible symptoms of COVID-19:

• Fever (> 100.4° F or 38° C) or chills
• Cough
• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
• Fatigue
• Muscle or body aches
• Headache
• New loss of taste or smell
• Sore throat
• Congestion or runny nose
• Nausea or vomiting
• Diarrhea

  1. Masks are no longer required in many places; we recommend that people may want to continue to wear a mask for added protection against COVID-19. Especially those who are immunocompromised, living with someone immunocompromised, or who may just feel safer wearing a mask.
  2. Hand washing is recommended before entering the venue, before and after eating and drinking, and after using the restroom. The best method of hand washing is to use running water and soap, lather the soap and scrub your hands for 20 seconds or use a 60% or more alcohol gel and rub 20-30 seconds.

CDC: Symptoms of COVID-19
CDC: When and How to Wash Your Hands
DOH WA: Masks and Face Coverings
Date 1/7/2022


会場での成人式参加者、観覧者、ボランティア、スッタフなどすべての方が対象です。当日に以下の症状がある方は来場を お控えください。

  • 発熱、寒気 
  • 咳 
  • 倦怠感 
  • 呼吸困難 
  • 筋肉や全身の痛み 
  • 頭痛 
  • 味覚障害 
  • 咽頭痛、鼻水 
  • 吐き気、嘔吐 
  • 下痢 
  1. マスクの着用は必須ではありませんが、COVID-19や他の呼吸器感染予防対策のために室内でのマスクの着用を推奨します。特に、免疫不全の疾患をお持ちの方、免疫不全疾患の人と同居している方、またはマスクを着用する方が安全だと感じる方にはお勧めします。 
  1. 会場への入場前、飲食前後やトイレの後の手洗いなどのこまめな手洗いをお勧めします。手洗いの方法は流水と石鹸を使用し石鹸を泡立てて20秒の手洗い、または60%以上のアルコールジェル(20-30秒)の手指の消毒をお願いします。 

<参考 参照>

CDC: Symptoms of COVID-19

CDC: When and How to Wash Your Hands

DOH WA: Masks and Face Coverings


「Community・ Education・ Identity」を活動の柱に、シアトルを中心に日本語でのコミュニティ・サービスを行っている非営利団体 JIA Foundation は、新成人の門出をコミュニティが祝うという日本発祥の成人式を2020年より開催しています。「成人式USA」と銘打った式典は、日米の新成人、20-21歳を対象に英語にて開催し、成人式の習慣がなかったアメリカでの新しい伝統になることを願って毎年ボランティアで企画運営しております。






第4回 成人式USA

2023 スローガン ”Reflect, Connect and Celebrate!”

日時】アメリカ時間(PST)2023年1月15(日) 午後1時から3時
会場Sammamish High School Performing Arts Center
(100 140th Ave. SE Bellevue, WA 98005)



JIA Foundation ・在シアトル日本国総領事館

後援国際交流基金シアトル日本商工会・シアトル日本語補習学校City of Bellevue Arts Program


日米友好成人式は、JIA Foundation が主催団体となり、全てボランティアによって運営されています。今回のオンライン形態式典の運営費($8000)のためのご寄付をお願いしています。ご協力をよろしくお願いいたします。



JIA Foundation
PO Box 562 Medina, WA 98039

JIA Foundationは501C3のNon Profit Organizationです。在米の皆様のご寄付は、税金控除の対象となります。Edit

How to attend/view the SEIJIN-shiki USA, the 3rd annual US-Japan Friendship Coming of Age celebration?

PLEASE REGISTER! Attend virtually from anywhere in the USA. Registration is required to enjoy the special new SEIJIN perks. The new SEIJIN session starts at 1 pm (PST) /4 pm (EST) on ZOOM.
Please register now!

★New SEIJIN qualification★
You do not need to be Japanese to be recognized as SEIJIN!
We welcome any US residents who were born between January 2000 and March 2002.

【General Audience 】
NO REGISTRATION IS NEEDED! Everyone is welcome to view the SEIJIN-shiki celebration on YouTube Livestream starting at 1:20 pm (PST)/4:20 pm (EST).
We have a surprise guest pianist’s message & performance only for Livestream. Don’t miss it out!


In-person celebration canceled at Bellevue College Carlson Theater


Dear Supporters

The 3rd annual US-Japan Coming of Age Celebration transitions to a fully virtual event.

We regret to announce that we can no longer offer in-person participation and will be
transitioning to a fully virtual event. We were looking forward to welcoming 100 new Seijin to
Bellevue College’s Carlson Theater, however, due to the increasing Omicron variant cases
across the state of Washington, Bellevue College has canceled all in-person events on campus.
We believe this is the best choice to protect the participants’ health and safety.

While we were excited to offer a hybrid (virtual & in-person) SEIJIN-shiki for the first time, we
are now shifting our celebration to becoming a vibrant virtual event.
The whole class of SEIJIN 2022 will meet virtually on Sunday, January 16th.
Challenges continue to await us, but we will be “United by Challenges,” as our slogan goes.

We have changed our course, but we will give our all to deliver the best possible SEIJIN-shiki
for the new SEIJIN of 2022.

The general audience can view the SEIJIN-shiki on YouTubeLive starting at 1:20 pm on
January 16.

2022 Celebration Information

Please share our social media posts!

新成人以外のみなさまは、YouTubeLive( )をご覧ください。

Thank you,

2022 SEIJIN-shiki USA Committee

Donor recognition 2022

Thank you very much for your interest in supporting the SEIJIN-shiki USA 2022. We would like to recognize your personal or business donation in the following giving levels. Donations made by November 30, 2021, will be recognized in the printed programs.

$1000 and up

  • <CLOSED>Top-tier name recognition and 1-page ad space in the printed program (donation due Nov.30, 2021)  
  • Top-tier name or business logo recognition on SEIJINUSA webpage
  • Name or buisness logo featuterd on screen and name mention in the donor recognition speech during the ceremony

$500 and up

  • <CLOSED>Second-tier name recognition and a half page ad space in the printed program (donation due Nov.30, 2021)
  • Second-tier name or business logo recognition on SEIJINUSA webpage
  • Name or business logo featured on screen during donor recognition speech (no name mention)
    式典プログラム(印刷物)にお名前・1/2 ページの広告スペース (寄付締め切り2021年11月30日<終了>)。お名前もしくはビジネスロゴを成人式USAウエブサイトに掲載。式典にて、スクリーンにお名前もしくはビジネスロゴを表示。

$250 and up

  • <CLOSED>Third-tier name recognition and a business card size ad space in the printed program (limited to first 8 businesses / donation due Nov.30, 2021)
  • Third-tier name or business logo recognition on SEIJINUSA webpage
  • Name or business logo featured on-screen during donor recognition speech (no name mention)
    式典プログラム(印刷物)にお名前・ビジネスカードサイズの広告スペース (限定先着8社様・寄付締め切り2021年11月30日<終了>)。お名前もしくはビジネスロゴを成人式USAウエブサイトに掲載。式典にて、スクリーンにお名前もしくはビジネスロゴを表示。

$100 and up

  • <CLOSED>Alphabetical name recognition in the printed program (donation due Nove.30, 2021)
  • Fourth-tier name or business logo recognition on SEIJINUSA webpage

Up to $100

  • <CLOSED>Alphabetical name recognition in the printed program (donation due Nove.30, 2021)
  • Alphabetical name recognition on SEIJINUSA webpage

SEIJIN-shiki USA, 2021 US-Japan Friendship Coming of Age Celebration Details

Let us introduce the day of the event program.
If you have registered as new SEIJIN, please join ZENZA starting 30 minute prior to the ceremony. Special new SEIJIN ZOOM access should be sent to you beforehand. For the rest of audience, please view via YouTube Livestream

SEIJIN-shiki USA Ceremony

Sunday, January 17, 2021 3 pm (PST) / 6pm (EST)
Monday, January 18 2021 8am (Japan Time)

Natalie Newcomb
SEIJIN-shiki USA 2021 Committee
Student at Washington State University

Manami Honda
Chair, SEIJIN-shiki USA 2021 Committee

Greetings from JIA Foundation
Megumi Ijiri Haskinいじりめぐみ
President, JIA Foundation

Congratulations to SEIJIN祝辞

Consul General Hisao Inagaki在シアトル日本国総領事 稲垣久生
Consulate-General of Japan in Seattle

Lori Matsukawaローリー・マツカワ
Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Washington
Board member

Kimono Presentation
Kimono Art

SENPAI Messages先輩メッセージ

Naoko Yamazaki山崎直子
Onboard the space shuttle Discovery with the crew of STS-131, an assembly & resupply mission to the International Space Station
The second Japanese woman to fly in space
Co-founder of Space Port Japan Association

Takashi Saito斎藤孝
Former career businessman turned doctor
Infectious Disease Specialist in Neptune, NJ
Fighting on the COVID-19 frontline to save lives

Kanako Kitao Spendlove北尾佳奈子
Synchronized Swimmer 2004 Olympics – Silver Medalist in Team Routine for Japan. 2014 FINA World Masters Championships – Gold Medalist in Solo Routine for USA. ‘O’ by Cirque du Soleili performer for 14+ years

Shinji Maeda前田伸二
Lost sight of right eye in a car accident as a teenager in Japan Overcame the handicap and became “One Eyed Pilot” in the USA Aero Zypangu Project Earthrounder Mission to take place in 2021

Ai Morita森田愛
Working for United Nations Headquarters Department of Peace Operation(DPO) in New York Former assignment at United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Malawi. Earned Master’s degree in Sustainable International Development

Special Performance

Nick and Zack Gallagherニック&ザック・ギャラガー
Professional Kendama Players

Speeches from New SEIJIN新成人スピーチ

Yushi Nakaoka中岡有詞
SEIJIN-shiki USA 2021 Committee
Student at University of Washington

Alyssa Kuraishi
SEIJIN-shiki USA 2021 Committee
Student at University of Washignton

Special Performance
Acappela Group from University of Washingon・ワシントン大学アカペラグループ

SEIJIN Recognition新成人紹介
100+ SEIJINs

Natalie Newcomb

New SEIJIN with special ZOOM access continues to NIJIKAI(2次会)for social time with games, prizes and conversations.

Register by Dec.6 and win prizes!

Weekly raffle until December 6

Each week, we’ll choose one winner from all the people who have registered.

If you’ve already registered, you’ll be automatically entered in the raffle. The sooner you register,  the more likely you are to get a prize!
Drawings on Nov.22, 29 and Dec.6.
If your birthday falls between January 1999 and March 2001, and live in the USA, Register now and win a prize!

登録先着 200名限定に記念品も用意していますので、いますぐ参加申し込みを!

Week 1 : Drawing on November 22

Pure Invention: How Japan’s POP Culture Conquered the World

Published in June 2020, learn about the latest Japanese pop culture and how it is evolving!

Week 2 : Drawing on November 29

Cute cartoon stickers pack of 50

Week 3 : Drawing on December 6

Shiba Inu Wall Calendar with Adorable Shiba Dog Puppies’ Pictures

Click here for Online Registration !

Early registration benefits

Please spread the word about our early registration benefits!
The 2nd annual  “SEIJIN-Shiki, ”
on January 17, 2021 Register now!

Step into adulthood the Japanese way!
JIA Foundation will host the second annual SEIJIN-shiki, the US-Japan Friendship Coming of Age Celebration, on January 17, 2021.
Due to COVID-19, the ceremony will be held virtually.  

We are encouraging new SEIJIN to register today!

登録先着 200名限定に記念品も用意していますので、いますぐ参加申し込みを!

Early Registration Benefits:

Weekly raffle until December 6

Each week, we’ll choose one winner from all the people who have registered.

If you’ve already registered, you’ll be automatically entered in the raffle. The sooner you register,  the more likely you are to get a prize!
Drawings on Nov.22, 29 and Dec.6.

Week 1 Prize: Drawing on Nov.22
Pure Invention: How Japan’s pop culture conquered the world

Published in June 2020, learn about the latest Japanese pop culture and how it is evolving!

Check week 2 and week 3 prizes here!

First 200 registrants receive original SEIJIN certificates  and more!

First 200 registrants will receive a SEIJIN certificate issued by the JIA Foundation, a printed copy of SEIJIN-shiki program and a SEIJIN-shiki memento  to commemorate their participation.

Submission of childhood photos to be  incorporated in the celebration video

For the “20 year reflection” portion of our video that will be presented at the celebration, we will include participants’ childhood photos–5 people  per year (birth to 19years old) . Photos will be accepted on a first- come,  first- served basis.

Register now to enjoy the full experience of SEIJIN-shiki USA! Click here for online registration

US-Japan Friendship Coming of Celebration is endorsed by Consulate-General of Japan in Seattle, Japan Foundation and Japan Business Association of Seattle.

Celebration Highlights:

  • Meet fellow SEIJIN across the United States, virtually.
  • Create a community of SEIJIN 2021
  • Celebrity Video Messages
  • Guest Speakers
  • Kimono presentation
  • Performances

Previous celebration:

US-Japan Friendship Coming of Age Celebration details:
Date: Sunday, January 17,2021 3pm-4pm (Pacific Time)

Welcoming new SEIJIN, young adults, born between January 1999 and March 2001, and live in the USA. 

Pre-registration required for new SEIJIN.
Please register here:

Planning is underway and updates will be made on our website. and social media @SeijinUSA   
For more information, please contact

About JIA Foundation
The JIA Foundation was founded in 2014 to meet the needs of the current wave of Japanese immigrants and expats who benefit greatly from Japanese language specific services. “JIA” is an acronym which stands for Japanese in America. We define “JIA” as those of any race and nationality who appreciate Japanese culture and values. Community, Education and Identity are the key components of JIA programs. JIA Foundation is a 501(c)(3) NPO and operated solely by volunteers.